Command Group
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Command Group

Command Group is made up of the following:

Commanding Officer: LCol Adam J. Brown, CD
Regimental Sergeant-Major: CWO Arnold Matibag, CD
2IC: Major Greg McCullough, CD

Lieutenant-Colonel Adam J. Brown, CD

Originally from Mount Pearl, Newfoundland, LCol Brown joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 2001 as part of the 56 Field Engineer Squadron in St. John’s, Newfoundland. Shortly after, he was enrolled at the Royal Military College (RMC) in Kingston, Ontario. In 2006, he graduated from RMC with a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Business Administration. Upon completion of his armour officer training, he was posted to the Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians) in Edmonton, Alberta.


Being a business major, he became the Regimental Accounts Officer overseeing two non-profit organizations. But a deal was struck – get things back in the black and you’ll get moved over to a Squadron, which he did. He took command of a tank troop in May of 2008, which later deployed to Kandahar, Afghanistan, during the summer of 2009, as part of Operation Athena, Task Force 1-09.


Upon redeployment, he was posted to the Armour School as an instructor. In the summer of 2011, he transferred to the British Columbia Regiment (DCO). Since then, he’s held every major position in the unit and completed the Army Operations Course, Armoured Reconnaissance Squadron Commanders Course, and the Joint Command and Staff programme.


Outside of the military, he completed his Diploma in Accounting from the University of British Columbia. He then worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) which included a secondment to the PwC San Jose office, working in the Venture Capital and Bio-Teck space. In 2016, he earned his Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) designation and started his own accounting company in 2017. Recently, needing a change, he took on the position as an investigator of financial crimes.


Outside of work, he lives with his understanding wife, Denise, and young son Matteo in Burnaby, BC. When not chasing after his son, he enjoys watching the Seattle Seahawks, going on road trips, or grappling.

Chief Warrant Officer Arnold Matibag, CD

CWO Matibag was born in Maybunga, Pasig, in the Philippines and immigrated to Canada in 1987. Working as an automotive technician for many years while serving as a reservist, CWO Matibag decided to join the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in 2010. 


CWO Matibag joined the Canadian Armed Forces with the British Columbia Regiment (Duke of Connaught’s Own) in 1994. He worked up through the ranks completing his Army Junior Non-Commissioned Officer’s course in 2000 and Crew Commander’s Course in 2004. In 2002, he was awarded the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal. In 2008, CWO Matibag deployed overseas as a Master Corporal on Operation ATHENA as a Convoy Escort Section 2IC in Afghanistan. For this deployment, he was awarded the General Campaign Star – South West Asia in 2008.  


After his tour, he completed his Armoured Reconnaissance Patrol Commander’s Course in 2009. Upon his return to the unit, he was appointed a Troop Warrant Officer within the unit and continued to take various positions within the squadron before becoming the Reconnaissance Squadron Sergeant-Major in 2019. When he finished his Advanced Leadership Program in 2020 and Armoured Squadron Sergeant-Major Course in 2021, he was appointed to his current position of Regimental Sergeant Major in 2022. 


CWO Matibag participated in various domestic operations including Operation PEREGRINE in 2003, supporting the fire suppression efforts in Barriere-Mclure. In 2017, he was the Platoon 2IC on Op LENTUS for the Williams Lake Fires. In 2020, he was the DRC Company Sergeant-Major for Op LASER, supporting the CAF’s efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Most recently in 2023, he was the DRC Company Sergeant-Major again, but for Op LENTUS, fighting wildfires in British Columbia. 


Outside of the military, CWO Matibag currently resides in North Vancouver and works as a Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer in the City of Richmond while out of uniform. He is a Corporal within the RCMP and has worked as a Traffic Collision Analyst and Criminal Collision Investigator. His interests include running, shooting, and automotive repair.