A Squadron
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A Squadron

A Squadron: Officer Commanding – Major Manjeet S. Vinning, CD
A Squadron Sergeant Major – Warrant Officer Kevin P. McKee, CD

TAPV (Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle)

A Squadron members train in tactical driving, weapons, navigation, and communications.  The Primary vehicles used by A Squadron include the recently introduced TAPV (Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle) and the G-Wagon CRV (Combat Reconnaissance Vehicle). Armoured soldiers will be trained on both vehicles upon joining A Squadron. Training occurs on Wednesday night’s and select weekends.


The Squadron takes part in several field exercises throughout the year from September to May. A Squadron field exercises are held 3 – 4 times per year on weekends while longer ten day Brigade level exercises are held usually in the spring and summer.


During the summer months members are encouraged to take courses or if available be employed on one of Canada’s training bases. A Squadron exercises take place throughout BC, Alberta and the USA. A Squadron soldiers also get the opportunity to take part in training exercise or courses with our NATO allies.

Urban Warfare, Chilliwack, BC

Recce Squadron patrol in Chilcotin, BC

Survival Training near Mackenzie, BC